Classical Christian Education Made Approachable is a very readable, 110-page book that both argues for the classical approach and explains what it is. It explains the importance of each subject area in relation to the classical model, stressing the importance of learning Latin with an article in the appendices. It also outlines the Trivium, the basic principles and approach underlying a classical education.
The view of classical education shared in this book is that God is the center of all education rather than man. Parents are also seen as the primary educators. Since this book comes from Classical Conversations, a brief chapter shares the Classical Conversations approach that helps parents to learn right along with their children, restoring, "the classical Christian tradition in two generations instead of just one" (p. 52). [Classical Conversations offers classes in various geographic locales where students (plus parents of young students) meet once a week with tutors then complete most of their work at home under the supervision of the their parents.]
Dorothy Sayers' famous article, "The Lost Tools of Learning," which played a significant role in the rebirth of classical education among home educators, is reprinted in the appendices.