This series of eleven books designed for older learners aims to equip students with essential math skills expected of all high school students, but not preparatory for college entry. The first and second books cover addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percents, targeting skills typically taught in grades 5 through 7. The third and fourth books cover algebra and geometry respectively. Book 5 teaches graphs, tables, schedules, and maps. Book 6 concentrates on word problems, applying all previously learned math skills. Book 7 is entitled Problem Solving and Test-Taking Strategies. Book 8, Analyzing Data, works on analysis, creation, and interpretation of charts and graphs plus some work with probability and statistics.
Other unnumbered books in the series cover consumer math, calculators, and general math review (titled Number Power Consumer Math, Number Power: Calculator Power, and Number Power Review respectively). Number Power Review serves as a condensed review resource covering whole numbers through finding solutions to equations.
Each workbook is self-contained, including both instruction and practice, with answers in the back.
Yet another Number Power series, Number Power TABE, consists of four books that review math skills from about second grade level through high school in a more-condensed fashion, correlating directly to standardized tests. The Introductory book covers skills typically taught up through third grade. The second book, Intermediate 1, covers grades 3 - 7. The third book, Intermediate 2, covers grades 6 - 8, and the fourth book, Advanced, covers grades 8-12.