Sarah May at Freedom Homeschooling has put together a website called Free Homeschool Curriculum where you will find loads of free resources. These are organized under the headings of Math, Language Arts, Bible, Science, History & Social Studies, Life Skills, Technology, Foreign Languages, Misc. Electives, Health & P.E., Art & Music, and All-in-One Programs. The category of Language Arts has an additional sub-directory with categories such as Handwriting, Grammar, and Composition. Yes, there are that many free resources!
Each entry is linked to the resource’s website, and there are brief descriptions. In addition, Sarah May has labeled them with grade levels for which they are appropriate, and she has added a “C” to identify Christian resources.
The website includes many of the free options I review on my website plus many more. It includes well-known free programs, such as Easy Peasy, plus many others, such as the Scott Foresman grammar and writing curriculum for grades one through six, courses from Saylor Academy that can be used for both high school and college credit, and the Free Homeschool French course.
If you are homeschooling on a tight budget, you have got to check out this website. Thanks to Sarah May for this great service.