- Abeka Testing Service
offers Iowa and Stanford 10 tests
- BJU Press Testing and Evaluation
offers Stanford and Iowa tests
- Caring4ourkids.com
information and links to resources for parents with children with Autism
- Homeschooling a Struggling Learner
HSLDA's website page "Homeschooling a Struggling Learner" has links to resources of all sorts—programs and therapies, books, videos, curriculum, websites, newsletters, etc.—arranged under types of learning issues such as dyslexia, autism, speech disorders, and vision-impaired... and even gifted children.
an extensive page with information about testing as well as sources for tests
- Mercer Publishing
offers CogAT®, NNAT3®, Iowa Assessments™, OLSAT®, and WISC-IV® exams.
- National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network (NATHHAN)
information for those who have children with all sorts of disabilities
- Read-A-Rific Reading Comprehension
Video-based training for struggling readers.
- Seton Testing Services
offers CAT, Iowa, and TerraNova tests
- So Happy to Learn
A "program" for parents working with children who have Down's Syndrome, autism, or other unique learning needs. It is actually a series of techniques, approaches, and tools for parents to use to instill a love of reading, writing, and math in learners as they acquire basic skills. It includes step-by-step strategies, tutorial videos, and downloadable worksheets. You can subscribe to the program or to the program plus a FaceBook teaching group. One mom who loves the program wrote: "The happy sheets are simple and familiar. The components are all encompassing to include reading, writing, math, manners, science, social studies. It is very personalized and adaptable to all levels."
- Thriving Minds Learning Center
Thriving Minds Learning Center helps children with special needs and learning difficulties in the areas of reading, spelling, and math. While they have on-site sessions in Campbell, California, they also offer one-on-one online instruction.
- Triangle Education Assessments, LLC
offers group discounts on testing as well as individual tests such as Iowa, Stanford 10, and TerraNova2.
- USA Test Prep
offers test prep courses for many standardized tests for elementary grades up through college admissions and career preparation. You can select courses for particular tests in each state and for individual subjects.