This life science book is an easier option than the BJU Press Life Science. First of all, it is a worktext with instruction, lab activities, and questions all in one book. Each unit begins with lab activity. These include such things as microscope work, dissecting, fairly simple chemistry experiments, plant activities, physical tests, and growing cultures. Most of these should pose little difficulty for home use, although they require the acquisition of a microscope, specimens, and a minimal amount of lab equipment. Questions and charts for data recording are included with the lab activities.
Instruction is not as comprehensive as in the BJUP text, although it will be sufficient for junior high and, in some cases (i.e., special education or students functioning below grade level), for senior high.
Topics range from cells through a wide range of plants and animals, the human body (studied by body systems as well as under other headings), reproduction, heredity, genetics, energy for living things, food production, ecology, and conservation.
The book is illustrated, primarily with black-and-white line drawings. It is softbound and printed on inexpensive paper, both of which keep the cost very reasonable. You will need the answer key which is also very inexpensive.
The emphasis on lab activity (and the fact that it is right there at the beginning of each unit) makes this a good choice for Wiggly Willys who need hands-on involvement.
Evolutionary content offers some problems throughout the book, and particularly in a discussion about dinosaurs. The dinosaur feature is one of a number of "Science, Technology and Society" features scattered throughout the book. These are the most likely to expose worldview clashes such as the evolution/creation debate, and they can either be omitted or used for discussion without detracting from the course.